Costa de Cocos Blog

Dive into information and tips about diving in Xcalak, Mexico

Marine Snails: Treasures of the Sea, Fishing Ban in Xcalak, and the Imperative of Coral and Shell Conservation
Xcalak Lobsters Guardians of the Sea
Unveiling the Mysteries of Cenotes: Origins, Xcalak, Bacalar, and the Underwater Adventure
The History and Origins of Xcalak: A Coastal Journey
Mangroves: Guardians of Coastal Ecosystems and the Story of Xcalak
The Use of Sunscreens in the Sea and Coral Health: A Look at Xcalak
Coral Bleaching: A Warning Cry from the Maya Riviera to Xcalak
Formation of Coral Reefs:
Diving with Tarpons in Xcalak
Diving with Tarpons is a regular occurance in Xcalak. With fewer boats and people in the water, they are amazing creatures to see schooling underwater.
Diving with Manatees in Xcalak
Diving and Snorkeling with Manatees is a regular occurance in Xcalak. With fewer boats and people in the water, they are extremely calm and amazing creatures to see.

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